Saturday, July 28, 2007


Apologies for the late post.

The Red Sox bided their time last night, waiting till the sixth inning to score, but then score they did. Lots of times. These many scores, or "runs" allowed the Boston nine to whip their opponents from Tampa by the score of 7 runs to 1. A truly glorious day it was.

In other news, the Yankees
barely won their suspended game in Baltimore , 8-7. But all good will was lost when during their regularly scheduled match, starting pitcher Andy Pettitte had to leave the mound in the fourth inning after remembering he had a soufflé in the oven. New York ended the day 1/2 game behind where they were yesterday.

The Red Sox lead New York and everyone else in the AL East by a clean 8 games. No more, "but only such and such in the loss column." We're done with that crap.

Tonight the Red Sox get it on again with Tampa. Jon Lester takes the mound for start number two. If he's as good as he was last time out a win is a strong possibility. Tampa sends James Shields to the mound. Game starts at 7:10pm EST.

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